Sunday, April 1, 2007

Why does this blog exist?

The AMS Department of External Affairs (not a constitutionally defined body), comprising the office of the VP External, the External Commission, and, to a lesser extent, the Lobbying Review Committee, is one of the least understood bodies in the organization. This is because it deals with things that have a less tangible and short term benefit to students than things like Club Administration or the Budget. Notably, the Academic and University Affairs portfolio suffers from similar problems, but, well, thats not my portfolio and I don't know all thats going on in it.

So what am I going to do here? Post. That a first one, and not just on External issues, but also on issues related to the AMS as an organization and as a part of Campus and Community life. What does CASA do for students? What is going on in the greater student movement? These are questions which are relevant to us, as I have no doubt you will see in the near future, but issues which don't have the profile that that probably should. Translink governance, civil liberties... all of these things are dealt with through the External portfolio. So, for those of you who dont read council minutes or hear my exec remarks in person, I hope this tool of greater information sharing is, in any form, useful.